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Kissing is usually attached to emotions. They are just going through the act to get paid.

Also the risk of STDs if saliva is exchanged.

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Q: Why prostitudes don't kiss?
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If i dont like some one but they dared me to kiss him and maybe he'll ask me to kiss him again and i dont what to what i do?

If they dared you to kiss him, then do it if you want. If you dont feel comfortable with that dare because you don't like him then don't do it. You dont have to do anything you dont want to. If you choose to do the dare then you dont have to kiss him again. Explain it was a dare and you do not have any feelings for him in that way and he will understand :)

How do you tell a boy loves you and is going to kiss you?

i dont wanna do that so i think you should kiss him back if you like him but if you dont like him dont make the moment awkerd just say that " i dont really wanna kiss you" or while hes trying to kiss just say" what are you doing" you may make him feel embarresed but no one want to kiss boys they dont like

What book do they kiss in heartland?

they dont kiss until the 5th book

How do you kiss a girl you barly know?

you dont. you FIRST get to know her and THEN you can kiss her.

How to kiss a boy when he says dont kiss me?

Use the lip gloss!!! :)

What if your boyfriend kiss you?

if he kiss you just go with the flow andd kiss him even if you dont it will help you later on when you wanna kiss him

How can you get over shyness and have your first kiss?

you be brave and u kiss the person dont be scared just kiss them

How do you kiss an emo person?

you dont

Do ash and Richie kiss?

No they dont

If someone does not kiss are they frigid?

no they just dont wanna kiss before sex