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it is not prohibited

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Q: Why production of nuclear weapon is prohibited?
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Related questions

What is the meaning of nuclear weapon?

The meaning of the word nuclear weapon, is a weapon that has a nuclear warhead on it.

Can Ukraine start making nuclear weapons?

Although they have the nuclear material that could be deviated for nuclear weapon production but Ukraine has neither the motivation nor the political/economical will to make nuclear weapons.

Man has agun and permit yet he is arrested for carrying a concealed weapon why?

What were the circumstances? What he carrying in a prohibited location? Was he carrying a prohibited weapon?

What is a nuclear weapon in wich enormous energy is released by nuclear fission?

This nuclear weapon is called an atomic bomb or a nuclear bomb

Philippine constitution article 2 section 8?

foreign countries are prohibited to plant any nuclear weapon or even to try their weapons to our country because it can harm our environment..

Which one has the ability to destroy entire cities and impair electronic communications systems?

Nuclear weapon detonations

Is an bomb or a nuclear weapon more powerful?

If by "bomb" you mean a conventional explosive weapon, then the nuclear weapon is more powerful.

Are butterfly knives legal in Australia?

NO! they are a prohibited weapon

What was the Production Budget for Lethal Weapon?

The Production Budget for Lethal Weapon was $15,000,000.

What Processes depend on fusion Check all that apply. production in the sun production in nuclear reactors C.the hydrogen bomb production from fuel cells?

It's A and C. The sun and most other stars are fusion reaction engines, and hydrogen bomb (perhaps more properly a fusion nuclear weapon) apply nuclear fusion to do what they do.

Napalm and nuclear weapon are illegal?

No, both are legal weapons for nations to use in war. Only chemical and biological weapons are prohibited by international law (although that has not stopped certain countries from using them).

What is a nuclear weapon made of?

nuclear chemicals such as plutonium