/*This program is to calculate /*simple interest */ version 1.0*/
Anything in between /* and */ is considered as comment. Hence in the given example version 1.0 is not considered as part of the comment. So nested comments are not allowed.
No, the CSS specifications explicitly state that CSS comments cannot be nested. If you try to do this, then your nested comments closing delimiter */ will close out the larger comment and anything after it will be rendered by the web browser. When comments are nested, the nested comment's beginning delimiter /* is ignored yet the closing */ is not.
A nested link is where one link is inside of another link. For example: I asked THIS question.The link for the word "THIS" is nested within the outer link. Nested links are not allowed by the W3C standards for HTML. Most browsers will either ignore the inner link or move it out of the outer link. However, nested links are allowed and sometimes encouraged in some programing languages.
COMMENT:- comment a re not necessary in the program. however, to understand the flow of programs the programmer can include comments in the program. comment are to be inserted by the programmer. It is useful for documentation.Comment are nothing but some kind of statements which are placed between the delimiters /* & */. The compiler does not execute comments. Thus, we can say that comments are not the part of executable program.The user can frequently use any number of comments that can be placed any where in the program. Please note that the comments and statements can be nested. The user should select the OPTION MENU of the editor and select the COMPILER - SOURCE -NESTED COMMENTS ON/OFF). The Comments can be inserted with a single statement or in nested statement.Types of comment in c/c++. is following bellow1. // this is a single line comment2. /* */ this sing is multi line OR nested line commentseg. /* int i=90;char ch=65; */ close multi line commentsmade by [ARUN KUMAR RAI]
In Nested Logic a Logic is contained within a Logic. If the Outer Logic is TRUE then the internal Logic is executed. Nested IF, Nested For, Nested While, e.t.c are some examples of Nested Logic in Modern Computer Languages.
C and C++ do it for ease of parsing. This way, when they hit a comment start of /*, the parser can trivially scan to the end. Otherwise, it would have to set up and maintain a stack, and then report errors if the comment tokens are unmatched. As to why Java does it, the answer is simple - Java's syntax was designed to emulate C and C++, to trick people into thinking it was just as fast (in the beginning, Java was purely interpreted, so this trick WAS necessary to get traction). If nested comments were allowed, it might trip up some C programmers, and many angry blog posts would be written!
Nested was created in 1977.
Upon is a preposition.
three examples of nested solids
"Have nested" is in the present perfect tense.
nested if Statement
A nested watershed is simply a watershed within a watershed. An example might be the Platte River watershed which is a nested watershed within the Missouri River watershed which in turn is nested within the Mississippi River watershed.
multi-column nested table where customers can have multiple addresses