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Boredom, not loving her husband, thinking (or knowing) her husband doesn't love her. So many different reasons. It's based purely on the individual.

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Q: Why married women fall in love with other men?
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Why single men fall in love with married women?

Because some women are attractive

Who did Napoleon Bonaparte fall in love with?

Josephine. He married a few women after that out of necessity but he always loved Josephine.

How do women fall in love and what do they feel?

Women fall in love mostly by what they hear. Once a woman hears words that give her value, she develops great affection for the other person.

How a married man can seduce other women?

In some cases yes, a married man can manipulate; seduce or influence a married woman so she will fall in love with him. Women who generally fall into this category feel the lack of self confidence; they may be unhappy in their marriage for one reason or another such as neglect by their husband or perhaps verbal or physical abuse; yet some women are in love with love while others simply like the risk of adventure by having an extra marital affair. These women are targets for married men who enjoy having affairs with one or more women and are often into controlling women and some men dislike women without knowing it and enjoy toying and hurting the woman.

How long do you wait before you fall in love?

you should fall in love with a women when, everytime you see her, hear her, think about her and feel different of her then other women ( in a loving romantic way), and you both know each other very well and you know you are ready to take it to the next level is when you should fall in love.

How do you make a married women fall in love with you and what if she is cheter?

Well, That is Called Plagerism and Which STOP AND LEAVE HER BE YOU WILL SCREW UP HER LIFE. Answer your Question? (:

What do you do if you are married but fall in love in a bachelor with?

You will have to take divorce than get married to the person you love.

How do you fall out of love with a married man?

Sometimes you just cant help who you fall in love with the heart wants iam in love with a married man for 22 years now.

Will Jason get married?

Yes! He will fall in love!

I love my best friends dad what should i do?

For some young women it is normal to have an attraction to a best friend's dad, but, he is married and you are a minor and unfortunately, other than being nice to you your friend's dad is married and in love with his wife and he sees you just as his daughter's best friend. One day you will find a young man your own age that you will fall in love with.

How do you get married on Sims3 ambitions?

Just the same as any other game. You get them to fall in love with you and the you press propose marriage.

Do people like other people?

Yes, people have the capacity to like other people based on shared interests, personality traits, and emotional connections. Establishing friendships and forming meaningful relationships are common ways in which people show their affection for others.