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Well, first of all, it comes from countries populated by brown people. White Americans don't like the idea of brown people having such a lucrative cash crop. The liquor companies especially do not want another drug competing with the one they sell.

Then, there's the fact that marijuana is associated with hippie culture, and hippie culture is associated with laziness, moral ambiguity, and unwholesome values. There's also the fact that it makes you absent-minded and forgetful -- people associate marijuana with stupidity, immaturity, and irresponsibility.

The main reason marijuana was illegalized in the U.S. in 1937 -- besides pressure from the liquor companies, who, at the time, were just making a comeback after Prohibition -- was a Propaganda campaign that claimed marijuana caused Mexican men to go crazy and rape white women. White men will do anything to preserve white womanhood from the so-called primitive and bestial advances of brown men. Illegalizing marijuana was also thought to be a good way to repress Mexican Culture in America altogether.

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Because society has deemed it wrong and if it were to be legalized the government would look unreliable due to all of the false information distrubuted by them. "it's a very strange thing when you make nature illegal" - The Union

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HOW to use forbidden in sentence?

Forbidden: Not allowed, prohibited. You use the word forbidden as follows: Farmer Jones has forbidden us from entering his vegetable patch.

Do doctors use marijuana for fibromyalgia?

Doctors can recommend the use of marijuana.

What percentage of teens use marijuana?

Seven percent of teens use marijuana or have experimented with marijuana. Teens and adults in the United States both smoke marijuana recreationally.

What is the healthiest way to use marijuana?

The healthiest way to use marijuana would be to eat it. You get the marijuana benefits without the drawbacks of smoking.

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does marijuana use increase dopamine in the brain

Does marijuana use interfere with antibiotics?

Marijuana will not interfere with your antibiotics

Is marijuana good?

Yes. See also, Marijuana: The Forbidden Medicine. A book by Dr. Lester Grinspoon associate Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. There are many documented cases, and TONS of research that have shown the potential medical benefits of Cannabis (Marijuana).

How much marijuana do you use to make marijuana butter?

A quart an ace.

What are the origins of the use of marijuana?

i know,but i can't remember. of the first places to use marijuana

What has caused worldwide restrictions on the use of marijuana?

This inebriating effect of marijuana use has fueled the controversy and led to restrictions that have surrounded marijuana use throughout history in many cultures and regions of the world.

How is marijuana addictive?

depends on person to person marijuana is generally addictive but few people starts hating it even in that state of mind they can use marijuana if they get it, addiction enhance with regular use .........

Is medical marijuana as dangerous as illegal marijuana?

Hopefully not, but I, myself wouldn't use it!