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kids get on facebook to be noisy.Face book is for grown-ups.Really bad things are on Facebook.Such as:cursing,therts,and other bad things on Facebook.That's why kids should never ever get on Facebook.

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Q: Why kids get on Facebook?
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What is the kids Facebook called?

the kids facebook called

Is there a Facebook for kids under 13?

Yes there is a facebook for kids under 13 years old. The facebook for kids is FBFK (facebook for kids) which is made so kids under 13 can still have facebook. Just remember not to let your kids on fb till there 13+.

Why do kids play on Facebook?

facebook has alot of games kids like games

Should kids 9 through10 have a facebook?

no facebook is for collage kids if you child doesnt have a cell phone then they shouldn't have a facebook

How many kids don't have a Facebook?

over 500 million kids don't have Facebook.

Why should kids not have a Facebook?

kids are not allowed on facebook cause 80% of posts on facebook are 13+ and 10% of posts on facebook are 18+ posts.this is for safety of our children

Do you have to pay for a website for kids called Facebook?

Facebook is NOT for kids. You must be 13 to have an account. But no, it is free.

Is Facebook bad for you?

No its not facebook is good for kids. The kids shoulld have facebook to talk to he/her friends and family well i may wong. You will have to tell your kids dont add people they dont no.

Is Facebook for kids?

Facebook Not for KidsNo, unless you are 15 or older

Can Facebook for kids connect to regular Facebook?

kids can use normal facebook but i thick that you shall not join facebook if you are under just because kids can get kidnapped, killed and hurt in other ways.because you cantell the world your personal info.

When do kids usually get a Facebook?

The age limit for Facebook is thirteen years old. However, most kids usually get a Facebook around the age of eleven of twelve.

Where is kids Facebooks?

there a facebook for kids called okie pokie