You can watch videos like "How to..." or just watch videos for fun
No, YouTube never has been, nor is today a scamming website.
Youtube is a video sharing network. People can post any videos that they want, and anyone can watch them. The video length is limited to only Why is it there? For pure entertainment. It is the biggest video sharing website and millions of people visit YouTube to watch videos. YouTube also allows users to live stream. It is also becoming a great thing for citizen journalists e.g. CitizenTube. YouTube is becoming a great resource for news online with the News Near You feature, whcih involves geotagging news.
Look on Youtube or maybe there might be some on his website. The shows are a Disney production so they also might be on Disney Channel's website. Just type it up on Google and see what you can find. I hope this was a big help. B)
Useful: Energy Light Sound Non-Useful: Electricity C02
it is useful for idiots
yes. youtube is a famous website
Youtube is a website where people share different videos about everything you can think of.
you can but you have to send it to youtube/google and pay them to advertise your website
no this website is better
Someone that is looking for marine animal videos online can do so by using the website YouTube. On YouTube one can find useful and educational videos on a variety of marine animals online for free.
YouTube is not a web browser but a website. Web browsers intercept YouTube as a website.
how are website useful to people around the world
One can find the X games on Youtube by going on to the youtube website. Once on the youtube website, you can find the X games by typing it into the search box.
Google is currently, the most popular website in the world, YouTube is #4.
You can get a YouTube search bar on your website by adding YouTube search embed code in the HTML code of your site. This service is free.
Its a website, but there is also a company where everything is made for youtube.