OK hon. your boyfriend is either using all his energy to kiss you which is a great thing, or is Bord. maybe u should kiss him more passionately. it will defiantly wake him up if u mix it up.
Yes you should and can kiss your boyfriend thats one of the things couples always do. Odd are he wants to kiss you to so just kiss him already
Your bf always wants to French kiss
no0o0o0o. she has a boyfriend zac efron.
Well let me think, you shouldn't just kiss her, because she might not know what your doing , and it can turn akward. What my boyfriend always does is he hugs me, then he whispers in my ear - "can i getta kiss" and lol it always works for him. XD
milk chocolate thats always best especially with almonds kiss kiss your answerer Madison
thats quit odd but you have to study first because a boyfriend wont always be their but ur education will always be i know im no help but still or kiss him the study simple as that :)
If you really want your boyfriend to kiss you then you shouldent wait for him to kiss you. You should kiss him!
not sure if it was his boyfriend but he did kiss a guy:P
You kiss HIM.
You kiss the boy
Good question. My boyfriend does the same thing after performing. Could someone help us please.