

Why is time going so fast?

Updated: 6/26/2024
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14y ago

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There's a saying that goes "Time flies when you're having fun."

This means that time seems to go REALLY fast when you are doing something you enjoy.

Either that or you need to fix your watch! :P

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14y ago
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1mo ago

The perception of time may feel like it is going fast due to a busy or stimulating environment. As people get older, each unit of time represents a smaller proportion of their overall life, making it feel faster. Additionally, stress or anxiety can make time appear to pass more quickly.

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The space shuttle needs to go fast in order to reach orbit around the Earth. By going fast, the shuttle can overcome the gravitational pull of the Earth and enter into a stable orbit where it remains in space. This speed is necessary to counteract the pull of gravity and maintain a continuous state of freefall around the Earth.

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Orbital velocity is about 27,358 KPH or 17,000 MPH. If space junk is going less than that fast it will fall back to Earth. If the junk was part of an interplanetary mission it is going away from Earth at more 40,233 KPH or 25,000 MPH.

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