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Firearms built prior to 1969 weren't required to have a serial number, and many didn't. Nixon signed the law requiring all firearms to have serial numbers in 1969.

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Q: Why is there no serial number on a mossberg 395 k shotgun?
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Related questions

Is the Mossberg 395 a good semiautomatic shotgun?

No, the Mossberg 395 is a bolt action shotgun, NOT a semi-Automatic shotgun. It is a fine bolt action though.

When was the revelation r312ab made?

If your Revelation is a bolt action 12 g shotgun, these were made for Western Auto by Mossberg as their Model 395. There is little information on these, but they were made from 1964-1983. If your gun has a serial number, it was made after the 1968 Gun Control Act- serial numbers not required prior to that. Sorry we can't narrow it down than that.

Where can you get a clip for a 12 gauge Revelation model R312AB bolt action?

This model of shotgun is identicle to a mossberg 395. You can still purchase clips for this model online or at gunshows. There are 2 round and 5 round clips availible. Just search for the mossberg 395 clips.

How well does the Mossberg 395 work?

I'm a master gunsmith and i just finished bluing an original mossberg 395 and it seems to have very simple design and action. Very sturdy receiver and bolt.

How old is a mossberg 395 KB?


How old ia a western field M160 bolt action 20GA full choke shotgun?

The Western Field M160 is the Model 385T 20 GA made by Mossberg. These models were only manufactured in 1982. The Mossberg Model 395 is the 12 GA version. More info at:

What is a browning 16 GA shotgun with the serial number num X82424 worth and what is the age?

Your serial number dates your browning shotguns year of production to 1953.The value will range between 250-350 dollars for a shotgun showing between 60%-80% of its original finish and a plain barrel.A solid matte rib barrel model will be between 295-400 dollars,And a vent rib barrel model will be between 395-500 dollars.

Is 395 odd or even?

395 is an odd number

How much is a mossberg 12 gauge model 395 KB shotgun with c lect choke in great shape?

I will buy one (395K 12 guage) top price as i have one from my father that is broken, even parts would be great, especially stock.

What is the odd number next to 395?

393 395 397

What number is 50000 less then 284 395?

234 395

On a mossberg 395 kb what choke should you use for turkey hunting?

We would use a modified or full choke, and #4 shot.