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because rholite forms outside a volcano and granite forms inside the volcano

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Q: Why is the texture of rhyolite different from the texture granite?
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Related questions

What is the difference between rhyolite and granite?

The difference is the size of grains. Rhyolite is the felsic igneous rock with fine-grained size. Whereas, granite is the equivalent in composition but with coarse-grained size.

Are granite and rhyolite similar in a way?

Yes. Rhyolite and granite have the same composition. Rhyolite is the volcanic equivalent of granite.

Is granite the plutonic equivalant of rhyolite?

Yes. Granite and Rhyolite have the same composition.

What is the light-colored rock that makes up most of the continental crust?

granite or rhyolite

What is the intrusive counterpart of rhyolite?

The intrusive counterpart of rhyolite is granite.

Is rhyolite volcanic?

Yes. Rhyolite is the volcanic equivalent of granite.

Why is the texture of rhyolite different from the texture of granite?

Granite is an intrusive rock while rhyolite is an extrusive rock.** Intrusive rocks are rocks that are formed BELOW the earth's surface.Extrusive rocks are rocks that are formed ON the earth's surface.

Is rhyolite's texture a aphanitic?

Rhyolite may be aphanitic or porphyritic.

The volcanic equivalent of granite is?


What are four felsic igneous rocks?

vesicular rhyolite, rhyolite, granite, and pegmatite!

Which rock takes a longer time to form rhyolite or granite?

Rhyolite cools faster from magma (lava) than does granite, which forms from slow cooling of magma deep underground. Granite.

Which is older granite or rhyolite?

One is not necessarily older than the other. However, some rhyolite is far younger than any granite on Earth.