The WRACO stamping indicates that your Winchester firearm was produced by Winchester Repeating Arms Company(WRACO).
So you will know it was manufactured by Winchester Repeating Arms Co.
If a Winchester was returned to the factory for repair which required replacement to the frame it was common to remove the and replace it with the letters WRACO, Winchester Repeating Arms Co., Also, unauthorized parties re-sold guns not under contract with Winchester, when these guns showed up at the factory it was re stamped with WRACO. Starting about 1905 Winchester's leaving the factory would be stamped on the top of the frame and the top of the barrel at the juncture of the frame & barrel with the letters WP inside an oval. If your gun was manufactured BEFORE 1905 AND has the WRACO stamp over the s/n then in all probability it'll have the WP proof mark too. Regards, Marty
Flip the gun over and look around the loading port, it should be stamped into the receiver.
At some point it was sold overseas and proofed.
It could be the benchmark of the gunsmith who assembled the revolver.
I would like to get my passport stamped, please. The little skunk stamped his feet, so I ran!
Your gun began production in 1939. In 1950 the brand was changed to Savage. Rifles and shotguns made before 1968 were not required by law to have a serial number. IF yours has a serial number, it is stamped on the lower left side of the frame, just forward of the trigger.
This is the symbol &. It means and.
This is a rare misstruck error and is worth up to $90.00 according to condition.
it is the equal sign = with the symbol ~ over it