911 US999 UK
Local police or 911
The phone number for the police in the U.K is, 999. The phone number for the police in the U.S is, 911.
PLEASE! CALL 999 OR 911 IN AN EMERGANCY! PLEASE! PLEASE! TO KEEP YOU SAFE! When you call 999 or 911 you can speak to police ambulance or fire. the general phone number in emergency is, of course 911 (in America) and 999(in England) . However, the number for local police departments varies for each department.
911. If it is NOT an emergency, IMMEDIATELY tell that to the 911 operator & request the non-emergency number. They will gladly comply.
911 is the single dail-up number to call police, fire, ambulance, etc.,. in emergency from anywhere in USA.
For an emergency in the U.S. you call 911. For a number for the police station to call the police in a none emergency, every town has a different number for their local police department.
Feb 1968!
Every police department will have a different phone number. However, if immediate police assistance, 911 is the number that does not change, no matter the location.
In the USA and Canada it is 911. In the UK it is 999 and 112. On European mainland it is 112. 911 is for emergencies only. For a non emergency, use a local directory to find the number of the local police station.