The Perazzi DB81 was produced in 1981 for the well known trap shooter Dan Bonillas,hence the designation DB81.
Ivor Dadswell.
Perazzi's population is 100.
Perazzi was created in 1957.
Perazzi shotgun
No published sn data.
About 1990 onward
100-1000 or more depending on specifics
Perazzi shotgun stock forearms are not interchangeable. Currently Perazzi is in its fourth version of forearm design. These new style latches have two Allen screws in the rear of the forearm iron. Old style latches do not. There are three versions of old style forearms. The width of the wood between the metal of the forearm latch and the rear of the forearm iron differs with each of the three old styles, as does the length of the metal latch itself and its width.
Judging by your serial number your MX-8 was probably built about 1969. The MX-8 was concieved and built for the 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico. Yours is probably a Type Two, which refers to the forend iron. I think Perazzi is currently building the type 4.
Brescia, Italy. If your thinking of buying one make sure your credit card has a very high limit.
Here it is
Check with Giacomo Sporting USA, Inc. 6234 Stokes Lee Center Rd.Lee Center, NY 13363Phone: 315.336.1356Fax: 315.336.0260Email
Some are 12 gauge, some are 16 gauge. The MX16 is a 12 gauge frame; same frame size for both gauges.