Cad means someone guilty or capable of ungentlemanly conduct-it was a term ( like bounder)more frequently used in educated circles a generation ago. Today more graphic,blunt descriptions are used.
the relationship between cad and cam is that one is called cad and the other is called cam ...... can't u see they both end differently
If someone calls you a cad, they are saying that you behave in a dishonorable or dishonest way, especially in your relationships with others. It implies that you are unscrupulous or lacking in morals.
There are a number of reasons why you should hire someone as an auto CAD operator. This person may be very good at the job for example.
What one can expect from a CAD job is working with either 2D or 3D models as well as possibly working in a variety of industries from engineering and construction to manufacturing. Regardless, many believe that CAD is declining in opportunity.
CAD stands for "computer aided design". This means, to use computer for designing and development of graphics and animation by means of any software eg. maya, picaso, 3dmax etc. and the professional who are appointed for these things are called CAD technicians.
"Cad e do data breithe" is Irish Gaelic for "What is your date of birth?" The phrase is used to inquire about someone's birthdate. In Irish, "cad e" means "what is," "do" means "your," "data" means "date," and "breithe" means "of birth."
Mainly types of CAD are 2-Dimensional and 3-Dimensional On the basis of CAD fields there are different types like Civil CAD, Electrical CAD, Mechanical CAD, Interior CAD, Architecture CAD etc. For more details, visit :
It is a 2006 version of Autodesk's CAD program called AutoCAD that is "an application built specifically to create and modify electrical controls designs."
A CAD platform is a program such as AutoCAD and a CAD sytem is a connection between CAD and CAM Products.
Cad. Rat.
A pseud,a parvenu, an imposter,a charlatan. a bounder , a rotter, a cad, a wrong'un
CAD payment term