because they bring a huge amount of tax revenue to the state and federal governments. which is wrong i personally hate cigarettes, they should be banned despite how much tax. Cigarettes r bad for u.
Because politicians are more easily influenced by rich contributors than by ethical considerations. Additionally, when you make a drug illegal you simply create a black market that causes more problems. That happened with prohibition in the 20th Century, and is happening again with the so-called War on Drugs. The answer is to slowly raise the price of the drug so that more and more people are influenced to stop using it. This is being done in some place, but ignored in others.
Too much money in it. Cigarettes themselves are expensive, but people end up spending even more money on ways to quit (gum, patches, therapy, etc.), medications and medical treatment from whatever cancers it'll give you, and money to the funeral director who is gonna bury you once cigs have killed you...
Too many people still have the habit, and the tobacco companies spent too much money for too long in Washington, for a ban to happen quickly. Two words, politics and money. Tobacco companies pay big dollars to politicians and lawmakers to keep their products legal. Governments make HUGE tax dollars on tobacco sales.
Here's an little factoid to illustrate: In Canada in the 1990's, one 20 count package of cigarettes cost $5.25 average retail. $4.86 of that price was taxes collected by government. Today, in 2009, the retail price of that same package of cigarettes is from $7 to $10 per pack. The cost to produce the cigarettes really hasn't increased much, it's still less than $2 per pack, so you do the math.
That is an excellent question and one that many people have been wondering about for years. The main reason is that the tobacco companies got here first and are now so entrenched in the system that it's going to be almost impossible to get rid of them. Tobacco and marijuana have both been smoked pretty much since mankind discovered fire, but marijuana has a reputation for being more addictive and mood-altering than tobacco, so it's illegal in much of the world.
Smoking is legal for anyone over the age of 19 in the U.S. Different countries do have different laws, but smoking cigarettes has not been outlawed.
The legal gambling age in Australia is 18.
Yes, it is absolutely legal as long as you sell cigarettes to those who with at least 18 years of age or older, and the purchase of cigarettes for personal consumption only and not for resale.
Only if the person smoking is under the age of 18. Cigarettes are 100% legal for anyone over the age of 18 in America.
No.Electric cigarettes are vaperizing,not smoking.
The legal age to both smoke and buy cigarettes in the state of Florida is 18.
No. In New Jersey, it is not illegal for a minor to smoke cigarettes, BUT it is illegal for minors to purchase cigarettes.
16 is the legal age to use tobacco products in the United States (in most states) But you MUST be 18 to purchase or possess tobacco so you can smoke but you cant have more the the cig your smoking on you
Smoking electronic cigarettes would probably be better, but it might lead to smoking cigarettes one day. It's best not to smoke either.
Studies have shown that e-cigarettes and vapor pens are safer than tobacco cigarettes, and many people have stopped smoking tobacco cigarettes using them. However, if you are not smoking e-cigarettes, vapors, or tobacco cigarettes now, the best choice is not to start smoking at all.
we can prevent smoking cigarettes by banning them from persons who owns a shop and sells them
I have heard that smoking a blunt is the equivalent to smoking a pack of cigarettes