

Why is pee clear when drinking beer?

Updated: 5/25/2024
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14y ago

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your sperm makes it turn clear

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2mo ago

Beer is a diuretic, which means it promotes urine production by increasing fluid intake. This dilutes the urine and can make it appear clearer. Additionally, alcohol can inhibit the release of a hormone that affects urine concentration, further contributing to clear urine.

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It means you're not drinking enough fluids. Pee should be clear.

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Yes beer can make urine clear fast, because of how it is processed in your body, once it is digested it is disposed of very rapidly, which is why people generally have to pee alot while consuming alcohol.

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While it is necessary to drink plenty of water, there is a risk of overdoing it. You're undoubtedly drinking more than the suggested amount of water if your pee is completely clear and lacks a yellow color. If the color of your pee ranges from lemonade to a brighter hue of light beer, you're well hydrated.

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probably. drink water until your pee is clear and then keep drinking for about 2 days. you should be alright. probably. drink water until your pee is clear and then keep drinking for about 2 days. you should be alright.

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Yes,It means that the inside of your body is dirty and might not drink water alot so you have to drink water alot to clean your body and make your pee clear and it has to make you pee alot when you drink water alot

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usually if you pee on it after drinking beer all night, then plants will grow to epic porportions.

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he is drinking beer = él toma una cerveza

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No, orange pee isn't exactly normal. Green pee is when you don't have enough to drink when you empty up, as is yellow. Clear pee is what you want (it means you've drank enough). if you want a better answer then ask a doctor. :)

How do you make beer with out extract?

pee in the bottle and drink hmmm... nice beer

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To get the pee smell out of pee. You are drinking pee.