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It can cause serious health complications such as type 2 Diabetes, heart attack, other heart issues, etc.

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Q: Why is overweight inadvisable?
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How do you put inadvisable in a sentence?

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No, it is inadvisable if you want to keep your tooth.

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It is inadvisable to mega-dose yourself with anything.

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you can, it's just strongly inadvisable.

What is the difference between inadvisable and unadvisable?

Nothing. Both spellings are correct.

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This is inadvisable.

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ITL: Inexpedient to Legislate. (Inexpedient: Inadvisable)

How overweight do you have to be to be considered chubby?

just overweight

What kind of candy is overweight?

How can candy be overweight? Eating loads of candy makes you overweight though.

Can doctors be overweight?

Yes, doctors too can be overweight.

What percent of pugs are overweight?

About 50% of pugs are overweight.