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Well, until recently, nuclear deterrence was the important thing. Knowing someone could blow them off the map in retaliation was usually enough to keep a country's 'finger' off 'the button'. The dirty bomb & the back-pack nuke began to blur the international boundaries - an individual or 'cause' could detonate one without any country to blame. Nuclear proliferation has put this destructive force in the hands of some governments that probably shouldn't have it & given rise to the paranoia that some wayward leaders would 'damn the torpedoes' and use it regardless of the consequences. As long as there are those (with nukes) in power, who believe they should decide who should & shouldn't have it, it will remain an important issue.

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Q: Why is nuclear force so important to the world?
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Can Nuclear Weapons destroy the World?

If there are just enough nuclear weapons so yes they can destroy the World.

What are examples of weak nuclear force?

Strong nuclear force and weak nuclear force. The strong nuclear force overcomes the repulsion of the positively charged protons in the nucleus, holding it together. The strong nuclear force also holds the quarks together that make up protons, neutrons, etc. The weak nuclear force is responsible for beta decay.

What types of energy are attributable to each of the four fundamental forces?

The four forces affecting matter are (in order of increasing strength): 1. Gravitational Force : hydraulic energy or water falls 2. Electromagnetic Force : electricity as secondary energy 3. Weak Nuclear Force: ionizing radiation4. Strong Nuclear Force: nuclear fissionWhenever there is a force, or more precisely a so-called "conservative force", there is an associated potential energy. Each of the fundamental forces have related potential energy; thus, there is gravitational, electrical & magnetical, and nuclear potential energy.I am not entirely sure about the weak force; but I assume it would be lumped together with the strong force, in the category of "nuclear energy".Chemical energy, as well as elastic energy, are also types of potential energy that are related to electrical forces.

What makes nuclear bombs so powerful?

The energy is obtained from the Strong Nuclear Force, which binds the atomic nucleus together, not the Electromagnetic Force, which binds electrons to the atom. The Strong force is about 1000 times stronger than the Electromagnetic force, therefore can provide about 1000 times the energy of a chemical reaction/explosion using a similar mass of fuel.

Which type of nuclear reaction is more important for life on earth?

1.The sun is a huge ball of nuclear fusion. 2.We here on earth use nuclear fission to produce electricity. so the answer is 2.

Related questions

How is strong nuclear force important to nuclear chemistry?

Nuclear chemistry deals with the chemical reactions involving radioactive elements. Gamma radiation is due to the electromagnetic force, beta radiation is due to the weak nuclear force, and alpha radiation is due to the residual strong force (which you might call the strong nuclear force). So... if you didn't have the nuclear force, you wouldn't have alpha radiation.

What are the 4 forces that hold an atom together?

electromagnetic - holds electrons to nucleusweak - mediates neutron decay processstrong - holds nucleus togethergravity - has no effectOnly 3 of the 4 forces act to hold atoms together.

Why is the strong nuclear force present in the nucleus of an atom?

Because , the force is nuclear fore (means the force of nucleus of an atom) , so it's clear by the meaning it will be in nucleus of an atom.........

Does the strong nuclear force have charges like the electromagnetic force does?

No. The strong nuclear force works through the exchange of a subatomic particle called a meson. Additionally, the strong nuclear force has to hold protons and neutrons together in the nucleus, so having a charge would have no effect on the neutrons.

Why is nuclear force necessary?

The strong nuclear force is what holds the atoms together, so that we don't just have a bunch of quarks and other sub-atomic particles bouncing around.

Why is the power produced by nuclear weapons so great?

the energy comes from the strong nuclear force, which is almost unbelievably powerful.

Can Nuclear Weapons destroy the World?

If there are just enough nuclear weapons so yes they can destroy the World.

What is it about the nucleus that requires a nuclear force?

the composition of the nucleus is mostly positive charges or protons. From electrostatics, we know that positive charges repel each other so, in principle, the nucleus should split apart! Since that doesn't happen, there must be another force of extraordinary magnitude keeping the nucleus together. That is the Nuclear Force. The electrostatic repulsion force of the protons is of the order of 1/r^2, where r is the distance between the protons. As the protons get closer and closer, this repulsion force increases significantly. It is no wonder that the nuclear force and, thus nuclear energy, is the largest known to man!

What are examples of weak nuclear force?

Strong nuclear force and weak nuclear force. The strong nuclear force overcomes the repulsion of the positively charged protons in the nucleus, holding it together. The strong nuclear force also holds the quarks together that make up protons, neutrons, etc. The weak nuclear force is responsible for beta decay.

Which two forces are responsible for holding the atom together?

The nucleus consists of protons and neutrons. Inside the nucleus, there is an electrostatic force of repulsion between the protons. Those protons have positive charges, and like charges repel. Also acting in the nucleus is a force of attraction called the nuclear force. It provides the nuclear binding energy to keep the nucleus together. This nuclear force is a short range force, and is so strong that it will overcome the effect of the force of repulsion between the protons.

What types of energy are attributable to each of the four fundamental forces?

The four forces affecting matter are (in order of increasing strength): 1. Gravitational Force : hydraulic energy or water falls 2. Electromagnetic Force : electricity as secondary energy 3. Weak Nuclear Force: ionizing radiation4. Strong Nuclear Force: nuclear fissionWhenever there is a force, or more precisely a so-called "conservative force", there is an associated potential energy. Each of the fundamental forces have related potential energy; thus, there is gravitational, electrical & magnetical, and nuclear potential energy.I am not entirely sure about the weak force; but I assume it would be lumped together with the strong force, in the category of "nuclear energy".Chemical energy, as well as elastic energy, are also types of potential energy that are related to electrical forces.

What makes it possible for positively charged protons to coexist practically next to each other in the nucleus of an atom?

The Strong Force. This is a nuclear force that is greater than the repulsion between protons. So, the protons do, indeed, repel on another, but the Strong Force keeps everything together.