Maybe you might wanna go see a doctor about that, because it could be a problem with an organ in your stomach.
Tender breasts and sharp pains in the stomach can be PMS or cysts.
Drinkind tender cocunut in empty stomach is good for health
Tender breasts and sharp pains are part of pre-menstrual syndrome. It can happen before and during your period.
Possibly pregnant
Some of the best exercises on the Weider Crossbow 2000X to flatten your stomach and thighs are leg presses, lying crunches, and seated ab crunches.
I suggest you ask your obstetrician.
The two basic types of presses used in printing are sheet-fed presses and web presses. Sheet-fed presses print on individual sheets of paper, while web presses use rolls of paper.
The very best way to punch someone in the stomach is to form a fist and thrust at the person's solar plex. This area is located near to top of the abs and is a bit tender.
Your body is preparing for the baby. As you have to grow, the muscles have to stretch causing tender stomach soreness.
Hiatal hernia is a condition associated with the base of the esophagus, fundus of the stomach, and the diaphragm. It is a protrusion of the upper part of the stomach through the diaphragm into the chest cavity. It can lead to symptoms like heartburn, chest pain, and difficulty swallowing.
Les Presses Chinoises was created in 1981.