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Maybe its because you have been having too much oral sex or drinking too much ribena or even maybe u have no sperm left

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Q: Why is my sperm purple?
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well, as an EXPERT IN THE FIELD OF CANINE PRO-CREATION, i must announce to ALL OF THE INTERNETS that a dog's sperm is purple...with the occasional yellow spot Lots of canine pro-creational love Dave the Beagle xxx

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Haha, it is very EZ, complete this riddle yourself!

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purple, purple, rose, purple, white

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Purple. A purple fish has to be purple!

What matches Purple?

purple and black purple and white purple and yellow

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Their not purple, their BlueTheir not purple, their BlueTheir not purple, their Blue

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A purple helicopter is a helicopter of the color purple. Really?

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it is purple(on purple tuesday's)

What is premature sperm?

Its a premature sperm or a sperm that is not yet matured.

What is cascada's faveourite color?

Purple because she always wears purple. even in her website theres purple purple PURPLE!!! Angelmist473~