early period
First off what do you mean it's too early to be my period? Are you talking about age wise or month wise?
he came from the early period
No, menstruation doesn't impact on your sexuality.When you start your period doesn't make you heterosexual.
No, but during early stages of being pregnant you can get bleeding which seems like a normal period. This is common.
You got your period early!
You could be if the period is light or shorter than usual. However, if it is like your normal period but just early then it's unlikely you're pregnant. If it's light, you should take a pregnancy test
No. Since your period has come, you are not pregnant. Early or late periods could also have more to do with stress, a change in diet or exercise. the above answer is not 100% true, it depends on what the period is like, is it lighter or heavier than normal?
if your period comes on early does that mean that you are not pregnant?
why did my period come 4 days early?
If your period was very short and light as well as early there is a possibility that it was an implantation bleed. If your period was normal except that it was 2 days early then it was probably just an early period.
During the Precambrian period, plants had not yet evolved. The Precambrian period is characterized by simple life forms like bacteria and algae. Land plants did not appear until the Ordovician period, which followed the Precambrian.