Really, really good pot is covered in those white crystals (and aren't they beautiful?). They're pure THC; they're called THC crystals, or "keef." See the Related Link below.
Purple crystals are commonly known as amethyst, and white crystals are usually quartz. Some specific examples include lepidolite for purple crystals and selenite for white crystals.
Marijuana does not typically crystalize when stored in a jar. It may dry out over time, but this process does not involve crystal formation. If you are observing crystals in your marijuana, it could be a sign of contamination or another substance mixed with the product.
Badwater Basin in Death Valley is likely to be a salt flat, created from the evaporation of a lake or other body of water. The white salt crystals are left behind as the water evaporates, creating a unique and stark landscape. It is one of the lowest points in North America, sitting at 282 feet below sea level.
Water changes blue anhydrous copper sulphate crystals to white by creating hydrated copper sulphate, which is white in color.
Silver nitrate appears as colorless or white crystals.
Marijuana is a non-addictive substance. If someone is "addicted" to it, then they should check it for small white crystals. You can't be addicted to marijuana, but you can be addicted to cocaine. Some dealers "lace" their marijuana with cocaine to make it stronger. If there are no crystals and you still feel addicted, then its a mental addiction. With less use it will go away
The good kind. The more crystals, the better. The crystals are what get you high I believe
Purple crystals are commonly known as amethyst, and white crystals are usually quartz. Some specific examples include lepidolite for purple crystals and selenite for white crystals.
Marijuana does not typically crystalize when stored in a jar. It may dry out over time, but this process does not involve crystal formation. If you are observing crystals in your marijuana, it could be a sign of contamination or another substance mixed with the product.
The crystals of benzimidazole are typically white or off-white in color.
Spandex covered with crystals.
Badwater Basin in Death Valley is likely to be a salt flat, created from the evaporation of a lake or other body of water. The white salt crystals are left behind as the water evaporates, creating a unique and stark landscape. It is one of the lowest points in North America, sitting at 282 feet below sea level.
No, if it is unadulterated marijuana (which it almost certainly is) it will not kill you. White widow is a specific strain of marijuana.
colored jell-o crystals
Freezer burn?