What people think of bad manners?
Friday is National Good Manners day. So you'd all better mind
your Ps & Qs.
Are manners important? If you meet someone with bad manners, do
you think less of them?
Do you get fed up with your parents always telling you off about
your behaviour?
Come on, let us know what you think, but don't SHOUT.
Manners are very important. They show that someone has been
brought up well and that they can behave. Having manners show the
type of person that you are!
Stephanie, 14, Shropshire
I think manners are important and every family should teach
their children some manners.
Melanie, 13, London
I think the only time you should really use manners is when you
want to make a good impression like meeting your boyfriend's mum
and dad!
Abbie, 13, Oxfordshire
I think some manners are a bit silly like don't have your elbows
on the table. But I hate it when my best mate swears in front of
Josie, 10, Southend