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They're sex maniacs!

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Q: Why is it that some guys just can't keep their pants on?
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Guys tend to make promises they just can't keep. They make promises to make their girlfriends or wives happy then they realize they cant possibly keep it. Then there is always the occasional guy who just wants to ruin someone's life (has happend to me before). But on any circumstance guys will be guys and guys will do what they want and what they can get away with. Hope this helps. :) -(minti321)

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You can't.... keep it in your pants for a few days.

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Tom Cant Keep His Pants Up!!

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Well it's not a widely known fact, but that's where the guys keep the Hope Diamond. They hold onto it for safekeeping.

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Well you cant Do that because it will just keep saying you need to be a member so there is nothing no cheat or anything that you can do Sorry Guys

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Sure! Just... Keep your pants on! Lol

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You might be looking in the wrong places, i used to always get the wrong guys but i found my bf after 3 years of getting the wrong sort of boys who treat you like dirt, just keep looking :-) you will fond your guy soon

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boner, erection, whatever, it means he has a tent in his pants!! i know these things can be soooo confusing to keep up with lol

Why does this guy keep looking at me see my reaction to things and not talk to me?

he likes you hes just shy most guys cant tell magically if a girl would like them back thats the problem when ur a teen guys r still figuring stuff out :P

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i know Johnson was cool but i suppose you cant keep every one for ever know can you?

How do you keep sand on the beach?

answer it yoursels i cant believe people actually go on this website for answers when they cant do it themselves seriously stop using this website, build a bridge and get over it guys.

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one of them prob like you and that's just how guys are they are all dicks!