If it hard to fall in love then you are not meant to fall in love with that person. Love is something that can't be forced. If it is forced, then it isn't truly love.
If it hard to grammar.
Because love takes time, Trust me you wouldn't want to fall in love, it sucks.
Of course you can :)
Men fall in love in time, they fall hard, they get heartbroken, and emotionally distrought. but sadly they dont show any of their emotion which tends to make girls stray away.
Play hard to get.
You can fall in love with a guy from another country. Getting past the difficulties of the distance is the hard part.
It will haunt u so never fall in love
Well its hard but if you do fall in love its ok i fell in love on nicktropolis i saw her photo on my space and it was like beutiful but when i got her number i found out she was a liar and she is just using me so get to really know them even know she is using me i still love her!!! And i guess no its not good to fall in love onlineNo. Falin in love online is called False love. You can not love someone if you have not met them before. It is not possible.
It totally depends on you! You may be the kind of person to fall in love easily, in which case there may be more times you fall in love. If you're the kind of person who finds it hard to fall in love, then you might only fall in love once or maybe even twice. Basically it all depends on you. Hope this helps :)
I didn't know you can fall in love on poptropica.You haven't seen him/her yet,have you?It will be hard but I know you can do it!;)
The cast of I Love You So Hard - 2013 includes: Joel Veitch
I suppose so. Love does not discriminate.
No, love has no boundaries and limitations. A teacher can fall in love with every student she teaches. So,it is not at all unethical. Love can take any form.