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Talking in the hallway can disrupt others who are trying to focus or have conversations. It can also be considered disrespectful in certain environments where quiet is expected, such as in schools, offices, or hospitals. Additionally, keeping noise levels down in hallways helps maintain a peaceful and productive atmosphere.

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Q: Why is it important to not talk in the hallway?
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Why is hallway safety important?

Hallway safety is important because you don't want to get hurt in the hall, and you don't want someone else to be hurt there.

If a girl sees you in the hallway but doesnt say hi is that bad?

No, you don't have to talk to EVERYONE you see!

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Both "in the hallway" and "in the hallway" are correct, but they may be used in slightly different contexts. "In the hallway" is more commonly used to indicate a specific location inside the hallway, while "on the hallway" could be used in a more general sense, such as referring to something that is physically placed on the hallway floor or surface.

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Hmm maybe you should drop your books on the ground while she passes by. She may help pick them up or something. That may start a convo! Or you can just go talk to her! I have the same situation but he's in a different grade. He always looks at me in the hallway. Look at her in the hallway then she will figure out you like her and she will want to talk to you more. Go up and talk to her! She will definitely talk back! Hey is your first name Spanish??? Answer back Plz!

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If she is in your class, get in her group or pick her as a partner. then slowly start talking to her, become friends say hi in the hallway then find an oppurtunity to ask her out.....but when you start talking to her you will realize if she is the one for you...

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Ask her dont be afraid about what she says okay

Which one is right in the hallway or in the hallways?

IN the hallway.

How do you get the super rod on pkemon platinum?

On the route hallway change thing north of the Fight Area, there will be a fisherman. Talk to him and he will give you a super rod.

What is a sentence for word hallway?

The schools hallway was rewaxed.

Is it ok to have two hallway runners for a long hallway?

it depends how "long" the hallway is, if its really long, it may be necessary.

Could it mean anything when a guy always makes eye contact with you and the only time you see him is in the hallway at school and we never talk?

Probably not. Sorry!