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Things that are natural tend to proliferate throughout the natural kingdom... e.g. same-sex relationships have been documented in almost all species on earth.

It's a bit like the colour blue... some people like it, others don't; but you don't usually say that liking the colour blue is 'common'


According to The Bible: "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." (Lev.18:22)

The Literal Bible with Strong's Definitions says it this way: "And with a male, not you must lie as one lies with a woman; disgusting it {is}."

Strong's definition of "abomination" or "disgusting" is: "tebel" - "mixture, i.e. unnatural bestiality."

God's Word says such behavior is perverse and "unnatural." Yet, from the beginning, man has deviated from what his Creator has commanded:

"...and God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." (Gen.6:5)

The flesh is naturally rebellious to God's Commandments (Rom.8:7)... and authority in general. Like rebellious, undisciplined children left to themselves... man will almost always do the exact opposite of what he is told to do.

Althought the natural carnal minded tendency of man toward perversion is just one of the things our Creator wants us to learn to reject and overcome - as long as a society at least acknowledges God's laws and authority in its makeup... perverse sexual activity is not "common," nor in public display. It's shamefully committed privately and out of sight.

It becomes common and acceptable when the society flaunts his Creator's authority, turns to the imaginations of his heart... and tolerates his transgressions.

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10mo ago

Homosexuality is thought to be a natural variation in sexual orientation that has likely existed throughout human history. It is a complex combination of genetic, hormonal, and environmental factors that influence a person's sexual orientation. Ultimately, the exact reasons for why it is common remain unclear.

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Does the blue yellow bumper sticker represent homosexuality?

No, the blue and yellow bumper sticker typically does not specifically represent homosexuality. The colors blue and yellow may have various symbolic meanings, but it is not commonly associated with representing homosexuality.

Is homosexuality socially constructed?

No, homosexuality is not socially constructed. Sexual orientation is a natural and intrinsic part of an individual's identity and is not something that can be influenced or changed by society. Societal attitudes and norms may affect how individuals express their sexual orientation, but the orientation itself is not socially constructed.

Does feminism cause homosexuality in boys?

No, feminism does not cause homosexuality in boys. Sexual orientation is not determined by feminist beliefs or ideologies, but rather by a complex interplay of genetic, hormonal, and environmental factors. Feminism is a movement that advocates for gender equality and has no inherent connection to an individual's sexual orientation.

Is homosexuality correct?

homosexuality is neither incorrect nor correct, it is a sexual preference that is usually not a choice, however in some unusual cases it is a choice. many people believe that homosexuality is wrong because of leviticus 18:22, however God loves everyone equally, and we are no longer forced to live under the rules of leviticus because those laws were made for a different people. the truth is, anyone who is anti-homosexual must also be a vegetarian slave owner who sacrifices animals for everytime they sin CHECKMATE

What was the percent of gay people in America 1950?

There is limited data on the exact percentage of gay people in America in 1950 as it was a time when homosexuality was largely stigmatized and not openly discussed. Estimates suggest it was likely much lower than current estimates due to the social and cultural climate.

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How common is homosexuality in nature compared to other forms of sexual behavior?

Homosexuality is observed in many species in nature, but it is not as common as heterosexual behavior. The prevalence of homosexuality varies among different species, with some showing higher rates than others. Overall, homosexuality is a natural and relatively common behavior in the animal kingdom.

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Homosexuality is not a nation. Therefore, it has no national anything. But the common symbol of gay culture is the rainbow.Homosexuality is not a nation. Therefore, it has no national anything. But the common symbol of gay culture is the rainbow.

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homosexuality = ushogahomosexuality = ushoga

Is there common law marriage in Zimbabwe?

No. There is no legal recognition of same-sex relationships and homosexuality is illegal in Zimbabwe.

When did homosexuality become legal in Slovakia?

Homosexuality was legalized in Slovakia in 1962.Homosexuality was legalized in Slovakia in 1962.

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You cannot catch homosexuality.You cannot catch homosexuality.

Is homosexuality common among pigs?

It isn't common, but it's very routine among pigs.It isn't common, but it's very routine among pigs.

What country did homosexuality begin in?

Homosexuality existed before civilization.

Is homosexuality a birth defect?

No, homosexuality is natural for many people.

What is the allopathic treatment for homosexuality?

homosexuality is not a disease, so there is no "treatment" for it.

When was Journal of Homosexuality created?

Journal of Homosexuality was created in 1976.