Its not if you stop trying so hard! Unfortunately there are many things that can make getting pregnant hard. Some couples find it incredibly easy, I did, but for others it is much more difficult. However, it is supposed to be fun, so even if you don't get pregnant, relax and and enjoy trying.
Getting pregnant is very hard or very easy depending on how easily your body conceives
No that does not matter at all.
Having a baby is not the hard part. It's getting pregnant.
The purpose of a birth control pill is not to get pregnant, so they are not "prone" to getting pregnant. To get pregnant the pill has to be stopped.
Consult a specialist medical practitioner.
progesterone in getting pregnant and estrogen in staying pregnant---so you need both good luck Joymaker RN
You can lie on w/e position you want. If a couple have a hard time getting pregnant it can help if she lies on her back with her hips up after the intercourse for about 30 minutes. But that is if you have a difficult time getting pregnant. Normally this is not needed.
No it can not. If you are on the pill it will negate the effect so you actually get pregnant.
I suggest getting the book "What to expect when expecting" you can get it cheap (.75 cents) on Every woman is different so it is hard to say what symptoms you will have and when.
If this happens there is only a 99.99 % of chance that u will get pregnant. So don't worry there is still the 0.01 % chance you are not pregnant.
Yes the breasts are getting ready to produce milk for the baby causing them to get harder and bigger.
My friend got pregnant on her period so i would say yes