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it is important to use foreplay so that you can make sure that she is ready and so you don't hurt her in the sexual process.

A:For Women:

Foreplay should be an amorous sensual adventure, making her needs and desires a priority and yours secondary, if you learn and practice this concept you will be considered a very caring expert lover, you must realize women have emotional natures for the most part, so one first needs to know what Foreplay is, 1st, what it isn't: Kiss kiss, Rub & tickle, Jump On.

There are times when (for the lack of a proper term) the Quickie is appropriate and mutually agreed upon, however. For women sex is not just physical, it includes the emotions as well, foreplay starts long before the act of intercourse, it's the difference between just having sex or being consumed with the entire lovemaking experience.

Learn her likes and dislikes, be attentive, notice and remember even the smallest things that make her passionate, learn most if not all of her "Erogenous Areas" and things that put a twinkle in her eye like sweet smelling oils and a massage, "Do not" do the same thing every time be inventive and creative so you avoid becoming boring and mundane, use these to start the foreplay process, having her realize you enjoy and want to fulfill her needs and desires.

Foreplay is all about "How and When" to push the right emotional buttons (if you don't turn the light switch on, changing the bulb won't make the light come on), once the emotional buttons are pushed then you can slowly begin the physical aspect of lovemaking, be diverse but know how long to spend in one place, not enough time equals frustration, to much time and they can become sore or numb, no matter how many times you push an elevator button it won't come any faster. Women have sensitive areas, nuzzle and kiss these areas and "Gently" and mutually agreed upon use your hand/fingers for stimulation, this continues the vaginal lubrication, continue on to oral stimulation (if acceptable with both of you), suckling the clitoris gives great pleasure.

Foreplay shouldn't stop once orgasms are achieved, they still need to know you need and want them, finish your foreplay with hugs, caresses and talking.

If you make proper foreplay a habit the "Lovemaking Experience" will be fun & erotic and something you both look forward to.

For Men:

First, Don't be in a hurry, go slow.

Men for the most part are logical by nature, most become aroused by site, sounds and fragrance, learn what arouses him in these areas and your well on your way for setting the mood.

Nakedness, teasing and kissing triggers his testosterone creating his sex drive, men's erogenous zones are generally in the groin and pelvic area, kissing, fondling, caressing and oral activities in these areas will heighten his passion and if you do more then one of these at a time it becomes "Ultra-pleasurable", but you need to know when to stop and what areas to concentrate on to avoid premature ejaculation, be creative, learn how to avoid the happy ending before it's proper time and place.

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probably not but can you really trust yourself and your partner to just leave it at foreplay? it'll probably lead to sex. dont underestimate your self-control. if its that important to u - if u believe sex before marriage is a sin - dont risk it, leave it at kissing and cuddling.

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Not you.