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It depends on your body heavy weight and also how much experience with drinking you have had. Too much alcohol is when you can't control anything you are doing, or when you have to get your stomach pumped. Lots of people can get pretty drunk by about 6 shots of hard liquor, but still have enough control that they know where they are. (The level for legal intoxication varies, as do the physical effects alcohol has. While veteran drinkers can tolerate more alcohol, the damage to the stomach, liver and nervous system can be cumulative. Moderate and limited alcohol use will not seriously harm most adults, as it is removed from the body by the liver. Over-consumption, especially by women during pregnancy, is a very dangerous activity.)

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14y ago

Yes, Of course its bad for you if you drink too much you will get drunk and sometimes die. (Other Reply)

Your Kidney has to filter out the toxines in the Alcohol. If you consume too much, your Kidney becomes tired and fails. This is known as Kidney Failure. Kidney Failure is very important.

You don't die if you only have a little Alcohol. There is always a reason for you to die if you have alcohol. Usually, you die from Kidney Failure, choking on your own vomit during your sleep. You don't always get drunk if you have alcohol. Wine is an Alcohol and it is good for one glass of red wine a day. It helps your heart. When you have alcohol, there are units which represent the amount of Alcohol in a drink. A woman is supposed to have 2- 3 units and 3- 4 units if you are a man. This is as the man's body is larger built so the body can handle more. If you are pregnant you are advised not to have any Alcohol as it may harm the baby. Also if you are trying to conceive, then you are advised not to drink as it lowers your fertility. Some people convert to Alcohol as a result of a traumatic event which has occured recently in their life. They can become addicted (if you drink from a young age you can also become addicted) if they continuously drink large quantities.

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14y ago

In large amounts and often YES! a little once in a while is perfectly fine, but if you drink alot all the time, it makes you puke, and it can even kill you if you drink too much. some alcohol is so harsh it kills weeds.

think of what it does to your body!

Due to natural phenomenon of the body every xenobiotic (foreign to body) supposed to be get eliminated from body ,when alcohol is taken ,liver primary metabolizing organ metabolize the alcohol with the help of enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase but when alcohol is taken in large quantity liver is unable to metabolize the same and leads to enlargement of liver to improve its capacity and hence leads to serious malfunctioning of other organ too.

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14y ago

If the alcohol is consumed in large amount then it is not good for health it effects your overall body it causes damage to your kidney, liver, brain and heart also.

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Drinking any alcoholic beverage in moderation promotes good cardiovascular health in particular and good overall health in general. It also promotes greater longevity. However, abusing any alcoholic beverage is to be avoided and can have negative health and safety consequences. That's bad for your body.

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Drinking water is necessary to live. Drinking green tea, fruit drinks, and milk is healthy. Drinking coffee and soda pop is not necessary, but, it probably will not hurt, as long as they are drunk in moderation. Drinking a little bit of alcoholic beverages will probably do not harm, and might be healthy for the average adult person.

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Drinking one to two glasses of wine (or beer or liquor) is good for women and consuming three to four glasses of alcoholic beverages is good for men. Doing so improves health and increases length of life. However, excessive consumption is bad for health.

What is the importance of non-alcoholic drinks?

Short answer: A non-alcoholic drink has no alcohol and an alcoholic drink has alcohol. Longer answer: Alcoholic drinks contain alcohol. Drink enough of them and you get drunk. Non-alcoholic drinks don't contain alcohol and you can binge on them any way you like and still be okay to drive, for instance. But be careful here since some "non-alcoholic" beers actually contain some alcohol, like only 1 percent. =================== Alcoholic drinks contain alcoholic content that can make its drinkers drunk while non-alcoholic drinks are bare drinks without any alcohol content. Such examples are: water, fruit juices and carbonated drinks.

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Yes, they can. Pregnant women can drink cool, non-alcoholic drinks during pregnancy. Drinking plenty of fluid is good for women during pregnancy because it keeps them hydrated, which is good for the baby and keeps the amniotic fluid at a good amount.

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drinking age is not good for your health.

What are some Colombian drinks for school?

Aguadiente is a national drink, then cholada, salpicon, and aguapanela are all good non-alcoholic drinks. Once you search those you will find others.