Cyberbullying on facebook is when someone posts offensive statements or writes mean things on your message on facebook. Cyberbullying on facebook could get your account denied from logging in, and your account suspended either temporarily or permanently. People cyberbully on facebook is because they may want attention from other facebook users or friends, and want to act cool. But they are actually breaking the facebook help center, and violating the facebook cyberbullying policy.
No, cyberbullying shouldn't be allowed anywhere.
yes, many
Texting,email,Facebook,My Space...all the cyber stuff.
Cyberbullying is not allowed on YouTube and violates the community guidelines. Should you find any comment or video that is a blatant example of cyberbullying, you should report it so that it can be looked into.
There are truly no reasons as to why FaceBook should not be allowed.
you should be beware on facebook because there are these people that use graphics and trick people and they can die or when people are very mean to others witch is called cyberbullying
There are truly no reasons as to why FaceBook should not be allowed.
There are many Muslims who use Facebook.
No, because you need things that have to do with social media like Facebook to cyberbully someone.
You are not allowed to have a facebook if you are under 13. If you do have a Facebook when your under 13, You can be reported and banned from facebook.
Cyberbullying has never been allowed on WikiAnswers. It used to fall under the basic rules of community guidelines and etiquette. Rules such as "Never make personal attacks" covered most cyberbullying situations. However, bullying is more than just the obvious insults. As the subtle intricacies of cyberbullying are becoming better understood, our rules are evolving. We want to do our best to make the site feel as safe and comfortable as we can for all of our users. See the related link below.
By the information from their comments on facebook or twitter like at the name at the bottom then look them up on the facebook or twittter and then the authority will eventually see it and they will be arrested for cyberbullying