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Asbestos can be made of a number of different minerals which are naturally resistant to heat and fire. Chrysotile is the most common of these minerals but anthophyllite, amosite, crocidolite, tremolite and actinolite have all been used as well. The minerals can be broken down into fibers that are then spun with cotton into yarn for fabric or added to products such as paperboard or building materials. It has been used for many types of products where fire resistance is desirable such as insulation, roofing shingles, brake linings and theater curtains.

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Q: Why is asbestos good for fire resistance?
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Why did you use asbestos?

Asbestos was used due to its impressive properties. * Fire proof * Heat proof * Electrical resistance * Chemical resistance * Rot proof * Low cost * Abundance * etc

In what profession were asbestos suits originally worn?

Asbestos suits were originally worn in the profession of fire fighting because of its high heat resistance. Asbestos was banned later because exposure to it causes cancer.

What year was asbestos used in buildings?

Up until 1976 it was required in a lot of buildings where fire resistance was necessary.

What chemical or physical properties make asbestos a good insulator?

Asbestos was generally used on steel I-beams in buildings to insulate from fire and electrical damage.

Why is asbestos fire resistant?

Asbestos is fire resistant because, as a silicate, it is basically a kind of rock and will not burn.

What element is fire resistant it's material no longer used due to its carcinogenicity?

Asbestos (particularly blue asbestos)

Did the National Gypsum Company make fireproof gypsum wall board with asbestos?

No, gypsum has a natural fire resistance due to the combined molecules of water which it contains. National Gypsum has never used asbestos in its wallboard products. However, it did at one time use asbestos in some of its sprayed-on fire proofing products. That ingredient was removed from their formulation several decades ago.

What was asbestos used for?

Asbestos has been used for a number of reasons due to its' remarkable properties. * Fire proof * Heat proof * Sound proof * Rot Proof * Electrical insulation * Chemical resistance * Water resistance (Amphiboles) * Low cost * Abundance It was amazing, used in over 3000 products from general construction materials, to pottery, cigarette filters, candles, etc.

Why asbestos gasket are used between joint engines?

Gaskets containing asbestos were used in a number of applications because they had a great resistance to heat.

What are the uses of asbestos?

Asbestos WAS used for heat insulation the engine rooms of ships and in heating plants on land. It was used as a fibrous reinforcing material in plaster and other materials that otherwise might be crumbly, such as ceiling tiles. It was used in applications where resistance to wear as well as temperature was valuable, as in break shoes. It was used as fire proof material, as in fire curtains, fire blankets, gloves, and woven electrical insulation.

Does asbestos give you cancer?

The relationship between asbestos and cancer is that exposure to asbestos can cause some forms of cancer in some of the people who are exposed. In particular, exposure to airborne asbestos has been associated with lung cancer and mesothilioma, a cancer of the lining of the chest cavity and lungs.

Is asbestos mastic harmful to children?

Asbestos containing mastic can be harful to children if inhaled or digested. Because of its strength and resistance to heat, asbestos was used for insulation, heat resistant clothing, roofing and fire proofing. It was also used as an additive to ease the manufacture and application of ceiling and wall finishes, tape joint compounds, floor tiles and mastics. Since many building materials can contain asbestos, remodel and repair activity in residential and commercial structures which disturbs asbestos-containing materials may cause the release of asbestos fibers into the air. There is no known health threat if asbestos-containing materials are in generally good condition and are left undisturbed. Inhaling airborne asbestos fibers can increase the risk of developing certain lung diseases, including lung cancer, mesothelioma and asbestosis. For licensed asbestos removal and asbestos abatement services go to