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It's important so you don't get STDs (Sexually transmitted diseases).

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Q: Why is abstinence so important for teens?
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Why should teens stay abstinence?

you shouldn't?

Why is teen pregnancy important?

For teens aged 18/19 pregnancy is normal, if the father recognizes paternity and gives support to both mother and child. For teens aged less than 18, abstinence or birth control is recommended.

Are gay teens taught abstinence?

That depends on the school board's sex education policy in your area.

Why birth control for teens?

Because teens have sex and they should really not become parents yet. Now someone say abstinence is 100% safe. But it's not. 90% of all Americans have sex before marriage and there was a test done where students said they were going to wait until marriage but by the time they reached college 80% had done it anyway. So abstinence=80% failure rate.

What does Obama think about abstinence education?

President Obama understands that abstinence is the only proven way to avoid pregnancy (other than getting sterilized). But he also understands science, and he also understands reality. States that have abstinence-only education also have high rates of teen pregnancy, and contrary to partisan myths, it is fairly obvious that abstinence-only education does not work. As a parent, I am sure he would prefer that teens abstain, but as a realist, he understands that many teens will not. Thus, to avoid teen pregnancy, it is important for students to understand all the choices they have, and to behave responsibly. This means using contraception if and when they engage in sexual activity. The president has advocated for fact-based courses, and for students being given accurate information about all aspects of sex education: teaching about abstinence is one element of such a program, but so is teaching about delaying the age of having sex, and so is discussing the importance of contraception.

Why emails are emails important for teenagers?

its important for teens to have an email so they can keep in touch with their friends.

Why are teens so candid with their opinions?

Some reasons why teens may be so candid with their opinions is because they are at an age where they feel they are not well understood. It's also very important for teens to get their point across so that they think they are being heard.

Why is the pregnancy rate so high among teens?

Teens live more in the now than adults do and think it wont happen. Some are under the illusion it will bring her and the boyfriend closer together. It's also not a coincidence that the states with most teen pregnancies are also the ones that teach abstinence only.

What are some birth control methods not recommended for teens?

Fertility-awareness (abstinence during fertile cycle) and withdrawal take more self control than some teens (and anyone - really) have and are not as effective as hormonal BC and condoms.

How do you put abstinence into a sentence?

the definition of abstinence is the act or practice of refraining from indulging an appetite or desire, especially for alcoholic drink or sexual intercourse. So you could use it like: Her abstinence made her really boring at parties.

How can you use abstinence in a sentence?

Example : Maria and her friends are practicing abstinence. They think abstinence is the key.

Why do people say that teens aren't important?

Because most teens drink and do other illigal things