I think the specific question was why it was bad for young women to be at a very low body fat, & the answer is because it's not reproductively healthy. If women fall beneath a certain percentage they will stop having a menstrual cycle because the body thinks it's starving, &therefore is trying to protect the woman from getting pregnant, because she could never maintain a healthy pregnancy at such a low level body fat level. Likewise, you need body fat in order to produce milk, which burns a lot of calories.
It's odd that we view Olympians, Body Builders, Ballerinas & other professional athletes with low body fat to be the icon of health. In fact, most ballerinas don't menstruate.
Original Response:
fat is needed for everyone whether you are a young women or not...fat stores toxins to prevent them from getting into the rest of our body were they could do harm. fat also stores energy from food. if you have no fat to burn during exercise than instead of your muscles eating fat and growing like they are supposed to...they will eat themselves, and no, that doesn't make yo look pretty! a healthy person eats as much as they want...they just make sure what they are eating is healthy and do exercise regularly.
The most common causes of young women not menstruating is malnutrition, anemia, and/or low body weight.
Unhealthy eating is bad for you because it causes you to gain weight. Extra weight gain can put unnecessary stress on the body and it's organs.
Answer: Normal. Chapter 8 Nutrition assesment. ~jmata~
Unhealthy food,is food that is full of fat or preservatives, it does not provide the body with energy.
For a woman to be considered fit she should have between 21���24% body fat. If a woman's body fat level gets up around 31% she would be considered unhealthy or obese. A man would be considered fit if his body fat was around 14���17%. At around 24, 25 % body fat a man would be considered obese or unhealthy.
No it is not unhealthy, but it is very hard on the body
A healthy minimum body fat percentage for women is 10% and for men around 5%. Body fat percentages much lower than those are unhealthy and dangerous and if they get too low, you're at risk of becoming sterile (can't have children).
Just as it is unhealthy to be ablve your healthy body weight it is not only unhealthy but dangerous to be below your ideal body weight. Usually the smaller you get, the faster rate your body starts to actually shut down.
Because unhealthy eating will have unhealthy effects on the human body. Unhealthy effects are unhealthy.
Maybe for the body, but they're good for the soul