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I will never know how it feels if what's going on with you happens to me. Your husband is only thinking of himself. I don't care if he says that he misses the intimacy that the two of you had before you got pregnant, but to do such things while you are carrying a baby is horrible. Man that do this is finally showing his color of who he is when it comes to devotion. A man who decided to have an affair while his wife is pregnant tells what will happen when your baby comes.

If it was me I will tell him to choose, because the baby will not grow up in a family where a father is so selfish and only thinking of what he is missing. Your husband does not deserve to be a father. I am sorry for what's going on with you. Never lose your faith and make sure you are close to your family at this time that your husband is committing adultery..

In the US ,some men have this feeling of entitlement to sexual gratification. If the wife can't or won't provide sex on demand, like a vending machine, he feels free to get it where he can. I think this is not an affair, but a booty call while wife is unavailable. Unfortunately, this is sometimes a generational problem, and men in some families feel it is OK to stray if wife is ill or in the stage of pregnancy where sex is uncomfortable or dangerous for Mother or baby.They don't consider it cheating, but that the man is relieving the wife of the "burden" of fulfilling his needs .

WAKE UP guys ! It's still cheating. And women will not put up with this delusional thinking any more.

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