Oh, dude, YouTube blurs videos for a bunch of reasons. One common reason is to protect someone's privacy, like if they accidentally show their credit card info or something. Or maybe they just want to add a little mystery to the video, like 'Ooh, what's behind that blur?' It's like pixelated intrigue, man.
A YouTube video may be blurred for various reasons, with the most common reason because the original video was blurred. If a video uploaded to YouTube was already blurred because of water, or other things, then YouTube will not be able to get rid of the blur, thus you will see the blurring in the video.
Robin thickes blurred lines has a lot of nudity
You would have to download the YouTube video. Unless the video is under a Creative Commons license, downloading a YouTube video is against the YouTube Terms of Service.
if u want get "watch in high quality" for your video on youtube, Click "other to youtube" to Convert the video wih E.M. Youtube video download tool. then upload it to youtube http://www.effectmatrix.com/Youtube_video_download_tool/index.htm
The first video to be uploaded to YouTube is titles "Me at the zoo". It features Jawed Karim, a cofounder of YouTube.
To cite an APA YouTube video properly, follow this format: Author(s). (Year, Month Day). Title of video Video. YouTube. URL
Emily Ratajowski
Adding a video onto YouTube is fairly easy as long as your video does not violate any of YouTube's policies on copyright and "appropriateness". If you have a video file that you made, then you are automatically eligible to upload it onto YouTube by logging into your YouTube account and using the "upload" button next to the YouTube search bar.
No, it is not. You can download music video of YouTube by YouTube downloader, but you should know that it's illegal to download copyrighted material on the Internet. In order to download music video of YouTube by YouTube downloader legally, you must have YouTube downloader which is legal and has no malware inside. If you'd like to download YouTube music video legally, you should read this article:
There are many YouTube videos which are famous. Charlie bit my finger is one. The Zoo Video is famous because it was the YouTube's first video.
No, YouTube does not download video players when playing a video.
No. Only the uploader or the Youtube service can delete a Youtube video.
Well it allow's you to put video's on youtube and people can subscribe to your video's and stuff