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Because his shiny red nose lit the way for the other reindeer and Santa.

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Q: Why is Rudolfs nose needed on Cristmas eve?
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What do french people do on cristmas eve?

go to church

Why was Rudolf's nose needed on chistmas eve?

because he has a cold

Is Santa going to give us presnts?

on cristmas eve & day

What the most famous cristmas ballet?

the nutcracker the story takes place on Christmas eve

How much longer till cristmas?

Today (24th december) is christmas eve. Tomorrow is christmas day (25th december)

Why was Rudolph's red nose needed on Chirstmas eve?

To guide Santa's sleigh so he could deliever presents. Remember.... Then one foggy Christmas Eve Santa came to say Rudolph with your nose so bright won't you guide my sleigh tonight.--Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer(the song)

What was Rudolphs red nose called on christma eve?

Rudolph's red nose.

What do they celebrate in Romania?

All Cristian Holy days like: Cristmas and New Year's eve, easter, and so on. Romania is a Eastern Cristian Orthodox country.

Santa Claus schedule for cristmas eve?

i think that main thing on his abenda will be the whole chimmney and the clibing down them part, but mostly eating cookies and cream/milk

Why does Rodolph have a red nose?

so he can lead the way on Christmas eve

Who guides santa on Christmas Eve?

Rudolph the red-nose reindeer.

What are the events in animal crossing lets go to the city?

the events are fishing tornament, the bug off, festavallie, new year's eve, bunny day {with a visit from zipper.T.bunny}, trick or treat {hallow's eve or Halloween}, cristmas {with a visit from ruddy the raindeer}and valentimes day any1 no??? that's all {i think.......}