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A reefer is a hand rolled cigarette so called for it's resemblance to a rolled up reef sail on a ship.

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Q: Why is MARIJUANA called reefer?
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Your thermoking reefer doesn't self start every time will burn the starter fuse?

smoking reefer is smoking marijuana / cannabis. reefer is another word for cannabis. 'ey rudeboy, set that reefer here'

What did Judy transformer 2 eat at Sam's campus?

Judy ate Mexican food with reefer (marijuana) in it.

What is marijuana make of?

Marijuana comes from a plant called hemp. Its scientific name is Cannabis sativa. The main, active ingredient in marijuana is THC (short for delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol). This ingredient is found in the leaves and flowering parts of the marijuana plant. Marijuana is called by many other names, including cannabis, grass, hashish, joint, Mary Jane, pot, reefer, weed.

What is smoking trees?

'Smoking trees' is slang for smoking marijuana (also known as Cannabis, weed, pot, reefer, bud, etc)

What are some slang terms for marijuana cigarettes?

zip, schnitzel, fag, joint, prune, dupe, calzone, doobyJoint Reefer Spliff.

What is origin of the term reefer madness?

"Reefer Madness" is the title of a 1930's prapaganda film about marijuana that was shown in high schools to scare kids off of pot. It presented completely bogus facts such as "marijuana is the most addictive substance on the planet," and it showed completely fabricated scenarios of teenage murder and sex following the consumption of marijuana. The term "reefer madness," as it pertains to the film, referrs to the outrageous, permiscuous, and even dangerous behaviors that smoking marijuana supposedly leads to. The movie was made into a musical film in 2005 titled "Reefer Madness: The Movie Musical," and it is really just a satire on how the whole marijuana scare was blown completely out of proprotion. It featured outrageously hoaky acting, some of the same bogus facts as the original "educational" video, and even zombies. Yes, I just said "zombies." So in short, the term "reefer madness" can either refer to the irrational or immoral behaviors of those under the influence, the panic and chaos caused by the marijuana scare, or simply the prapaganda film or satirical musical.

What is reefer a noun or verb?

Reefer is a noun for a person on a ship that is responsible for rolling and securing the sail; a style of jacket resembling those worn by reefers; and slang for a hand rolled marijuana cigarette, named for it's resemblance to the rolled sail.

What is a short coat called that begins with letters reef?


How many names dose weed have?

Marijuana, Weed, Pot, Mary Jane, Bud, Reefer, Herb, Doobie and much much more

Will you regain your memory after smoking marijuana?

Yes you will regain memory after smoking Reefer. Reefer only acts as an inhibitor and reduces tha ability of your brain neurotransmitters to function. It does this at the synapsis, by impeding the neurons ability to send neurochemicals across the synapsic gap.

Where can I go to buy a reefer trailer?

I found a site online called They have thousands of these reefer trailers for sale. They sale both new and used reefer trailers. And they offer you the choice to buy from dealers, fleets, and from truckers themselves.

Why is fear associated with marijuana legalization?

Fear is associated with the legalization of cannabis, becasue fear was used to make it illegal. Search for the video, Reefer Madness.