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Scrooge was the name of the character in the story. When someone is now called a scrooge, it is because they demonstrate Ebenezer Scrooge like characteristics, ie, being stingy.

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The name Ebenezer comes from the Hebrew language and means "stone of help." In A Christmas Carol, the name Ebenezer Scrooge symbolizes that Scrooge is in need of help or redemption to change his ways and find joy and compassion in his heart.

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Q: Why in A Christmas Carol Scrooge is named Ebenezer Scrooge?
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What was the name of the miser in A Christmas Carol?

The miser in "A Christmas Carol" is named Ebenezer Scrooge.

What was Charles Dickens original phrase for Ebenezer Scrooge?

Charles Dickens originally named the character Ebenezer Scrooge as "Ebenezer Scroggie" in his manuscript for "A Christmas Carol."

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Scrooge's boss is named Mr. Fezziwig. He is a kind and generous employer in Charles Dickens' novella "A Christmas Carol."

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Scrooge's sister in "A Christmas Carol" is named Fan. She is described as having a close and loving relationship with her brother Ebenezer when they were young.

What was Scrooge's sister named in the book by Charles Dickens?

In Charles Dickens' book "A Christmas Carol," Scrooge's sister is named Fan. She is depicted as kind-hearted and caring towards her brother, Ebenezer Scrooge.

What is the origin of the word 'Scrooge'?

The term "Scrooge" originates from the fictional character Ebenezer Scrooge in Charles Dickens' novella "A Christmas Carol." Scrooge is known for his miserly and selfish ways, making the word synonymous with someone who is stingy or reluctant to spend money.

Who is Marely in the stroy A Christmas Carol?

There is no character named Marely in the story "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens. However, there is a character named Jacob Marley, who is the deceased business partner of Ebenezer Scrooge and plays a significant role in the story as a ghost who visits Scrooge.

What movies have Ebenezer Scrooge?

Some movies that feature the character Ebenezer Scrooge include "A Christmas Carol" (1984) starring George C. Scott, "Scrooge" (1951) starring Alastair Sim, and "The Muppet Christmas Carol" (1992) with Michael Caine playing the role. These adaptations are based on Charles Dickens' classic novella "A Christmas Carol."

In A Christmas Carol what is Scrooge's cousins' surname?

Scrooge's cousins in "A Christmas Carol" are named Fred and Clara. Their surname is never explicitly mentioned in the story.

When was the cartoon character Scrooge McDuck created?

Scrooge McDuck was created by Carl Barks and introduced in the Uncle Scrooge comic book story "Christmas on Bear Mountain" in December 1947.

Robert Louis Stevenson has a character named Ebenzer Shaw who is a Scottish laird and miser. Did this predate Dicken's Ebenzer Scrooge?

Yes, Robert Louis Stevenson's character, Ebenezer Balfour, predates Charles Dickens' character Ebenezer Scrooge. Stevenson's novel "Kidnapped," in which Ebenezer Balfour appears, was published in 1886, while Dickens' "A Christmas Carol," featuring Ebenezer Scrooge, was published in 1843. Therefore, Stevenson's character came after Dickens' character in terms of publication.

What is the title of the story about Scrooge and who wrote the story?

The title of the story is "A Christmas Carol" and it was written by Charles Dickens. It tells the tale of a miserly man named Ebenezer Scrooge who undergoes a transformation after being visited by the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Yet to Come.