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the supreme court ruled that campaign spending is a protected form of free speech

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How did the supreme court ruling in citizens united v FEC affect campaign funding and spending?

it weakened campaign finance laws by ruling that corporations and unions could not be prohibited from running ads, and that corporations could spend an unlimited amount on federal elections

Should labor unions be able to use union dues as campaign donations?

The nation thinks so, because current federal law allows that for unions and corporations.

Are corporations unions?

No they are not.

What are 3 campaign finance laws?

Not sure what all 3 are but 2 major loopholes in campaign finance laws are soft money and hard money :)

What Nixon aides solicited and obtained funds from corporations and unions?

Nixon aides such as John N. Mitchell and John Ehrlichman were involved in soliciting and obtaining funds from corporations and unions for Nixon's 1972 re-election campaign. This activity is commonly referred to as the "Watergate Scandal," which eventually led to Nixon's resignation from the presidency in 1974.

What organizations are prohibited from making contributions or expenditures in conjunction with federal elections?

Labor unions, corporations, and incorporated membership organizations, such as the National Rifle Association are prohibited by federal election campaign laws.

Are the European unions multi-national corporations?

Trade Unions in Europe, if that is what you are referring to, are not multi-national corporations. They are unions to support employees and their rights. The European Union, if that is what you are referring to, is an organisation that has 28 countries as members. It is not a multi-national corporation.

Labor unions and corporations contribute to political campaigns?

through their PACs

What did corporations do that caused unions to decline during 1920'?

Welfare Capitalism.

How did the government react to the formation of labor unions?

The government did not like labor unions along with big corporations. As a result labor unions were illegal until the 1930's.

Of the following which are allowed to make direct contributions to federal elections?

Corporations/Labor Unions o.O

How did corporations use the Sherman antitrust to their advantage?

They argued that trade unions restrained trade