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Every woman has eggs in her uterus. When your hormones start to develop, once a month an egg goes down into the uterus and a blood lining starts developing. Your body is practicing having a baby in you. When your cycle is complete, the blood lining and egg flow out the vagina.

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8mo ago

Girls have periods as a result of their reproductive system preparing for a potential pregnancy. Each month, the lining of the uterus thickens in anticipation of a fertilized egg. If pregnancy does not occur, this lining is shed through menstruation.

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Q: Why girls has period?
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girls were feminine pad when their period starts. girls were feminine pad when their period starts. girls were feminine pad when their period starts.

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Up to 7days but every girls period varies.

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No only girls get their period.

Why do girls bleed from their vagaina?

Period, your on your period

When can girls can pregnant?

Girls can get pregnant once they've had their period.

Will you ever get your first period?

Ya, all girls will get their period.

Can girls skip their period?

Yes, all girls can skip their period... its relativly normal.. sometimes girls have their period one month and skip like 2 months until they get there next it definatly depends on the person tooo

How registering a girls period calendar can help?

Yes, the girls period calendar is excellent to track and manage your period. It also gives a lot information related to menstruation.

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Why d girls have period?

cause they do