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Every school has it's polices, not all schools say you can't have piercings. You need to check with the school before you run off and get anything pierced to ensure it's not going to be an issue with school dress code.

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Q: Why don't schools allow piercings?
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Do schools let you have piercings?

Depends, read the code of conduct some allow piercings some don't

Are tongue piercings legal at school?

The legality of tongue piercings at school can vary depending on the school's dress code and policies. Some schools may prohibit visible body piercings for safety or health reasons, while others may allow them as long as they are not disruptive. It is best to check with your school's administration or handbook to determine their specific rules regarding tongue piercings.

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He wants someone with natural beauty (so that means dont mess your looks with piercings

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Some schools forbid the wearing of piercings. Others find them not to be well liked. So it all depends on the school's policy.

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I dont know, but it really bothers me. I understand the tattoo i guess because that is sooo permanent, but piercings heal.

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You dont need any after care lotion for ear piercings. Natural sea salt and water is fine.

Does Staples allow their employees to have facial piercings?

You'll have to call up the store. They may have rules about the number of piercings or the location. Some managers are okay with them and others are not.

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Any age, though many schools dont allow it! i swear to god a teacher or principal wrote the above answer

Do tongue piercings bother cavities?

no ion think so it dont have nothing to do with it