When she won't suck your wing wong.
no it doesnt
That's just plain nasty man. You shouldn't do that to a girl. That's why they suck your penis.
It feels amazing for the boy and girl. It can be uncomfortable for a bit but feels fantastic after a while. Remember to feel the girl's boobs and let the girl suck your penis and suck her vagina.
it feels amazing. like just imagin, Would you like me to suck you? You have issues!
your question made no sence! mabye rewrite it and people will answer
If you have a big penis and want to marry a girl it is a bonus because your girl could suck off it for ages and still want more but if you have a samell penis you can still marry a girl but not have as much fun as the dudes with big penises do. :)
Yes if it taste like cherry kool aid.
Plain and simple: it feels good.
Suck it in and don't let it bring you down. She'll come around.
Girls suck guys penis's because there like a thumb you suck on the thumb, be careful cause sometimes there hair molts and falls in your mouth :/ Sometimes they can get really excited and can pee in your mouth eww,
If you can't get your penis fully erect through normal means then see your doctor and be may give you a prescription to aid in achieving fuller erections. Stroke it gently and remove your lowermost front ribs so you can lick it and suck it. If that doesnt help, get a girl to do it for you. If that doesnt work, good luck getting laid you fool.