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The septum piercing may still hurt occasionally even after several years due to a variety of reasons. Scar tissue formation around the piercing site can lead to ongoing sensitivity and discomfort. Additionally, improper jewelry size or material, as well as poor aftercare practices, can cause irritation and pain. It's also possible that the piercing has not fully healed or there may be underlying issues such as infection or Allergies contributing to the discomfort.

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1mo ago
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1mo ago

Oh, dude, it's like your body's way of saying, "Hey, remember that time you stuck a needle through your nose? Yeah, I didn't forget." Scar tissue can be a pain, literally. Plus, if you keep accidentally bumping it, it's gonna keep reminding you it's there.

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1mo ago

Well, honey, it's simple. Your body is a delicate flower, and that septum piercing is a constant reminder that you're a badass rebel. The occasional pain is just your body's way of saying, "Hey, remember that time you stuck a needle through me? Yeah, I do too." So, pop a painkiller, embrace the discomfort, and strut your stuff with that fabulous septum piercing.

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10y ago

The septum is a very sensitive area of the inner nose. In fact, it is made up of skin and cartilage, which helps keep the passages open for breathing. If you have pierced the septum, it will continue to hurt for several years. This is because it takes a while for the septum to heal on its own.

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When was the first body piercing?

Aside from ear piercings, and perhaps even before those, I would say the septum. It's a pretty ancient piercing that is seen in almost all tribes of all continents for at least a few thousand years back.

Possible side effects of septum piercing?

Well the side effects of a Septum piercing are the same as all other piercings, infection, allergic reaction are the two big ones. When you go to get it done please find a professional body piercer who has skill. This week alone I have seen 6 people who got Septum's done by a moron who can't get it done straight the first time (clearly a sign of inexperience and lack of skill). Septum piercing needs to be laid out and planned correctly, this is not a novice piercing, lets face it it's the first thing people are going to see and if it's out of whack it's obvious. Skill comes from years of practice and mentoring, not jumping on the piercing bad wagon and saying your a PRO. Interview your piercer, ask questions about aftercare, problems and resolutions. You are paying for something to be done right, let's get it right the first time.

What is the appropriate age to get an industrial piercing?

18 years old is the legal age to do just about anything (except drink and gamble) in Nevada. You may want to check your state laws regarding this. Also, please use a reputable place to get your piercing done. There are so many bad places out there. Remember, most of the diseases related to piercings/tattoos are permanent and sometimes lethal. Also, before you get pierced, think about if you will still have that piercing 15 years from now. You will still have the pierce.

Is it normal to have the site of your belly button piercing get infected years after removing the piercing?

Yes it isn't uncommon. The piercing may not have jewellery in it however dirt, bacteria and other nasty things can still enter the old piercing site and cause it to abscess Navel piercing sites need to be cleaned regardless of there being jewellery in the piercing or not.

How long til a septum piercing closes up after its been pierced a few months and healed?

Assuming you are talking about the septum of your nose... It is very possible that it will never close back up. Depending on how much cartilage you removed (diameter of the hole) the skin may not be able to bridge the gap. Typically cartilage does not grow back, however, skin will attempt to cover the hole. If it does this you could be looking at over a year, sometimes 2 years before the hole is closed. It really depends on how large the hole is, your own body's unique healing abilities and ethnic background. Some people develop a thick type of scar tissue and that can become a medical or cosmetic issue of it's own. Assuming you have not had this type of scarring during your time with your septum pierced, I would say 1-2 years will tell you if it will close up. Again, if it is a large piercing typical of that area, it is likely not to ever fully close up due to the removal of cartilage.

What is a septum piering?

It's the skin between your nostrils. You can wear a hoop or a curved barbell in the piercing. I had mine done about 10 years ago. It didn't hurt too bad. When it was really cold out though, if I had metal jewelry in, it would make my nose itch.

Whats the legal piercing age in Germany?

Without parental consent, a person in Germany must be 18 years of age or older to receive any type of body piercing. With parental consent a person must still be 16 years or older.

What age can you get your septum pierced?

You must be at least 18 years of age.

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you have to be 21 years old to get a hand piercing

How long does it take for a piercing to close?

It varies, if you have had the piercing for a long time the hole might never close. It does vary, i got my ears pierced over 3 years ago and still close overnight.

What is the piercing ages in North Carolina?

18.. if your younger you have to have parental permission With parental permission, you still have to be at least 14 years of age.

What kind of insurance is needed for body piercing?

Buy a piercing-specific policy. Assuming you have a store, it will cover inventory, lost wages, etc. You can't buy a policy for body piercing unless you have several years of verifiable experiance, then you still will not be able to purchase malpractice insurance.