Cupertino is the timezone that apple was created in. Cupertino, California. iPhone's creator, Steve Jobs, created apple in California.
October 4, 2011 in Cupertino, California.
The iPhone was designed in Cupertino California at Apples Headquarters and assembeled at ODM factory named Foxconn in China. It says on the back bottom of the iPhone.
To change the weather icon on your iPhone from Cupertino, you can set a new default location in the Weather app by searching for your desired location and selecting it. This will change the displayed weather icon on your iPhone home screen to match the weather conditions of the new location.
Cupertino, California. Cupertino, California. Cupertino, California.
The address of the Cupertino Library is: 10800 Torre Ave., Cupertino, 95014 3254
The address of the Cupertino Historical Society And Museum is: 10185 S Stelling Road, Cupertino, CA 95014
The web address of the Cupertino Historical Society And Museum is:
Apple1 Infinite Loop Cupertino, CA95014408.996.1010
Joseph of Cupertino was born on June 17, 1603.
Joseph of Cupertino was born on June 17, 1603.
Cupertino High School was created in 1958.