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If your friend acts like a jerk when your around other people then people will tell you that he or she is trying to impress you. This could be true, but they are saying that to make you feel better. Other reasons are that he is uncomfortable and trying to impress them or he is feeling insecure.

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Q: Why does your friend act like a jerk when he is around other people?
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Usually people change and adapt to people around them so it may be possible that they are hanging around a new crowd. If it really concerns you, talk about it to them how they seem different and if they have any problems.

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It could be that your friend is worried that you might become better friends with the new person than you are right now with him or her. This is fairly common if people are unsure or have a low esteem. If you really like this friend, you need to demonstrate that you do, and make them feel confident that you're not going to toss them aside for this new person. Or, it could be that the other person is a dumb jerk, and your friend doesn't want you to hang around with a dumb jerk. He or she might be trying to protect you.

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Your best friend might be dating a jerk because they dont like you anymore, try asking your friend to spend more time with you

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you can write them a letter/note. people (at least girls) enjoy reading heartfelt notes

How do you convince your friend not to like a jerk?

Catch him on film. Use you camcorder make a movie of him and the reaction of those that are around when he's acting a jerk. let him see it. If you are embarassed to be with him just tell him when he grows up give you a call.

What to do when your first love talk smack about your best friend and acts like a jerk after a breakup?

Simple. It's probably best to ignore the "first love", unless your best friend had done something rude to them. As for the "being a jerk" part, it's best to stay away from those kind of people, even if they try later to "act nice", because that other side is lying in wait.

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when he's alone! if his friend tells you that he's a jerk he probably likes you!

How should I tell me Jerk of a Friend that i don't want to be her friend AGAIN?

I think you should just say I am not going to be your friend.

What should you do if you love your best friend and she is dating a jerk?

You should tell her the truth. Make sure to give her examples like what he does to be a jerk and make sure to put something in like if you were my friend you would believe me. This is also a great way to make sure your friend trusts you. Another answer would be to make sure it's not jealousy , that you see that person as a jerk, the possibility that you think you might lose your friend to the person, could possibly make you see them as a jerk.

How does an ugly girl ask out a cute guy?

First of all.. there is no "ugly" in reality. It is just a label for people who are insecure about themselves or others put on themselves or other people. You need to show him your true personality and the beauty that lays inside you, not on your skin. If he doesnt accept you because your not as "cute" as he is, then he is a jerk and why would you want to date a jerk in the first place... tell his friend that you like his friend and wants to go with him just ask!!!!!!!!!!! you've got nothin to lose

How do you get back in a relationship?

Don't be a jerk, be friendly and kind to the people around you, let things happen naturally.