maybe he thinks you don't want one, some people just seem like that not hugging type, nexy time he huggs your friends say i want one too ,or something like that.
Cause their GAY....LOLZ just joking,its because he likes you or he knows you like him and dosent want to go out with you,he wants to just be friends
tell everyone your sorry and hug a panda bear!
You hug him or say "gimme hug." A guy never turns down a hug. Unless he hates you. Like really, really hates you.
I would like to add this with a small experience that if the guy is of good nature than he might just hold you, but he wont hug you because he'll never want you in trouble, even if you cried in front of him.
Some 6th grade girls may hug a guy that they like, but not all will. Hugging can be a friendly gesture of affection, but it is important to remember that everyone is different and may have their own boundaries. It is best to communicate openly and respectfully with others to understand their comfort levels with physical affection.
Be brave wait for like a little and if he doesn't hug you, hug him. You have to be brave.
Yes guys that want to hug you pretty much like you or their just being freindly
Just hug him. He won't interpret as awkward, unprofessional, or unwanted. Guys like hugs.
International Hug People WeekInternational Hug People Week is where you hug people all week.You have to hug everyone. Everyone like your family, your friends, people you have a crush on, people you hate, and everyone else. If you hug everyone on this list you will have good luck and it's proven to be true, but if you don't you'll have bad luck for the rest of the week. International Hug People Week is November 8th through November 15. The reason we have this is so we can make new friends. Have a wonderful Hug people week.
That's because he wants you to see how outgoing and cool he is but he has his own limits and respects you. :)
It is ok, but dont make it seem that you like him. Just a friendly hug is fine.
That you like him