Because the further it goes, it loses Power like Electricity and so it deforms until you cant hear it.
Why is this in "Shopping"?
Anyway, sort of. It does not so much lose power as spread it over an area expanding as the square of the distance. So for example, the intensity at 100m is only a quarter that it is at 50m from source.
It is also absorbed by the air, and this extra loss rises with frequency.
Sound gets quieter the further it travels due to the dispersion and absorption of sound waves by the surrounding medium. As sound waves travel through air, they spread out and lose energy, resulting in a decrease in amplitude and intensity. Additionally, obstacles and environmental factors can also contribute to sound attenuation over distances.
Sound can be quieter if it travels a shorter distance, encounters more obstacles or barriers which absorb or dissipate the sound energy, or if the source of the sound is less powerful or further away from the listener. Additionally, using materials that absorb or dampen sound waves can also make the sound quieter.
As sound moves away from the object, its intensity decreases. This means the sound becomes quieter the further it travels. Additionally, the high-frequency components of the sound tend to get absorbed more quickly by the surrounding medium, resulting in a change in the overall sound quality.
Clap echoes are quieter because with each echo, the sound has to travel a greater distance and reflects off surfaces, losing energy in the process. Each reflection weakens the sound intensity, resulting in a quieter echo compared to the original clap.
Sound gets quieter through solids than through air because solids have higher density and a more rigid structure, which leads to greater absorption and scattering of sound waves. As sound waves travel through a solid, they lose energy due to interactions with the material's molecules, resulting in a decrease in volume. Additionally, the speed of sound in solids is usually faster than in air, further contributing to the attenuation of sound intensity.
It popes
If the mate is 4 times further away, the sound will be 16 times quieter based on the inverse square law. This is because sound intensity decreases proportional to the square of the distance from the source.
Sound is the vibrations that travel through the air. The sound becomes loud and clear to a man depending on the decibels on the sound wave. The larger the decibels the louder the sound.
The sound of an engine gets quieter as it moves away because sound waves disperse in all directions from the source. As you move away from the engine, you are increasing the distance the sound waves have to travel, causing them to spread out and decrease in intensity. Additionally, obstacles and surfaces along the way can absorb or reflect sound waves, further reducing the noise level.
Yes. Some sound frequencies travel further than others.
Depends on what it is meant to travel through.