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The cartilage takes a long time to heal I've had mine done for over a year and it still really hurts and has not healed properly. I've still got the original earring in and i wouldn't change it until it is healed fully. The bump on the back of your ear is from getting it done with a gun instead of a hollow needle. It's all the skin and stuff shoved to the back.

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Q: Why does the cartilage piercing still hurt after three months and what is the bump on the back of the ear next to the hole?
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Your tragus piercing still hurts after three months?

Sounds like it was done with a piercing gun, if it was done by a professional body piercer your tragus would feel just fine after three months. If it was done by a gun it's too deep take it out.

How long does it take to heal a cartilage piercing?

It depends on your body's ability to heal itself, and how well you take care of the piercing. On average I'd say between two to three months initially, but it can take up to a year to heal completely. Two months is the time it took for mine to "appear" healed, as in, the time when it stopped crusting and was safe to swap out the jewelry. I've heard of that phase being reached as early as three weeks though, so take plenty of vitamin C, keep up the sea salt rinses and enjoy your fab new piercing!

How long before you can go surfing with a new nose piercing?

one to three months

Is it good to swim in a chlorine pool with a almost 3 month old belly button piercing?

At three months the piercing should be healed, at least mostly. That means that swimming in chlorine will not affect it. Still steer clear of lakes and streams.

Does the industrial piercing hurt more the belly button piercing?

It hurts way more! Industrial piercing is not as straightforward as traditional piercing, it is considerably more painful; The piercing, can take between three months to one year to fully heal.

Can a belly piercing close after three months?

Yes. The time it takes for it to close depends on your body

Will a piercing scar if you have only had it three months?

As long as there is jewellery in the piercing the piercing will not scar, it will form new tissue that makes up the piercing. If the jewellery is removed before the piercing is allowed to heal completely this tissue will join together and form scar tissue.

How long does it take for a belly piercing to heal?

For it to heal FULLY, 6 months to over a year, depending on placement, your body, and how you care for it.

Use cartilage in a sentence give an examples?

Cartilage is a tough, flexible tissue found in the human body, such as in the ears and nose. An example sentence could be: "The cartilage in his knee helped cushion the impact of running on hard surfaces."

What are the three jobs of cartilage?

the three jobs of the cartilage are to protect our bones, to shape our body, and to make us flexible

Where is cartilage found?

The three places where cartilage is found is in the knee, ankle and elbow

What are the three major types of skeletal cartilage?

Elastic , hyaline, and fibro cartilage